Xue Mu X The One Minutes 牟雪 X 一分钟电影节

_FLARE by Pieter van den Bosch
_图片来自:Pieter van den Bosch作品《闪光》


Names of the Artists (screening sequence): Xue Mu(CN/NL), Nicholas Brooks(UK), Marcia Gratton (US), Dan Walwin(GB/NL), Xi Guo(CN), Aaron McLaughlin, FANGOVER, Hui Ye(CN/AT), Cheng Ran(CN), Loes Janssen (NL), Sophie Johns(NL), Shen Xin(CN/GB), Xu YiHua (CN), Frank Schubert (AT), Dominique Festa, Anja Cecilie Petersen (DK), Glenn Venghaus(NL), Fiepdelight van Tol (NL), Pieter van den Bosch (BE), Carole Cicciu (FR).

Curator’s Statement

IN.NO.SENSE is a made-up homonym for the word INNOCENCE, to thwart the confinement of language and its semantic limits. When ‘something does not make sense,’ the general interpretation would be there is no logic, it is unclear, or it’s useless. Could there be another interpretation? Like – it has not yet been fully understood or defined? With ambiguity and ambivalence, IN.NO.SENSE grouped 20 videos each in length of one minute. From altered angles, it explores the states in between nothingness and significance. Some representing the artists’ observation on trivial matters with wonderment, some show the processes of contemplation in the micro/macro world, and a few works come along with poetical commentary on the current human conditions – be it subtle, upright or allegorical. With or without intentions altogether the artists conceived an aimless wander in the realm of quiddity, in chaos and order, with an un-preconditioned liveliness.

Xue Mu

Dec 2016


艺术家名单(按影片放映顺序): 牟雪(CN/NL), Nicholas Brooks(UK), Marcia Gratton (US), Dan Walwin(GB/NL), 郭熙(CN), Aaron McLaughlin, FANGOVER, 叶慧CN/AT), 程然(CN), Loes Janssen (NL), Sophie Johns(NL), 沈莘(CN/GB), 徐艺华 (CN), Frank Schubert (AT), Dominique Festa(UK), Anja Cecilie Petersen (DK), Glenn Venghaus(NL), Fiepdelight van Tol (NL), Pieter van den Bosch (BE), Carole Cicciu (FR).


无• 是一个模棱两可的命题。 它可以被理解为“没有意义”或“不是有意的”。而将两个字分开看来时,“无”可代表“虚无”,“意”则可代表“意境”。通常,当某个事物被我们定性为“没有意义”的时候,我们会不会错过了另外一种可能性?是否有可能这个事物的面目尚未被清楚完整的体察与认识,却已被过早的定义为“没有意义”呢?事物常常是矛盾且有趣的,有趣的部分却往往不易被觉察。. 集结了二十位艺术家们的一分钟的影像作品,从不同的角度纪录与体现了艺术家对自身当时所处的环境中的独特体验与观察纪录。其中一些影像展示了对宏观/微观世界经验的想象与探索,一些作品体现了对虚无与意境的感知,一些艺术家则采用小见大、直白或隐喻地对当前的社会人文环境进行反思。二十件影像自成一系,在有意与无意之间,以代入式体验的方式探索呈现着某个存在于人们共同意识中却无法被定义的空间。


2016年 十二月
